MCXhI - book
Objective vs subjective time - installation
2012 ● time
- Book, 1st run: 127p. | 250 x 380 mm (4 copies)
- Book, 2nd run: 127p. | 205 x 310 mm (10 copies, signed & numbered)
MCXhI deals with the difference and relationship between objective time and subjective time. Objective time is time that is imposed upon us, clock-time. Subjective time is time as we experience it, ‘human time’. clock-time and human time don’t always go hand in hand.
Initially, I examined their relationship by inquiring objective and subjective time in real time, during fifty days. I took thorough notes, made calculations ... which consisted of what I was doing at that time in the objective time and I added a value. This value reflected my experience of the subjective time. For example, since objective time in this system always is 100%, time seems to be going twice as fast when the subjective value is 200% (one hour feels like half an hour). This way of working made a comparison possible. This examination resulted in a graphic representation of my subjective time versus the objective time.
A ± 5m long / 2m high installation was made to show this representation. It consists of 2000 nails that are pinned into a wooden panel, hand-made stamps that show the dates/hours/subjective values and 100m nylon wire to connect all the data.